Babcock Scavenger Hunt
August 7, 2010
August 7, 2010
Today, I wrote a list from A-Z of things the boy's had to look for around town, OUTSIDE. I arranged the pictures in order, but can you guess what the picture is of? Some pictures are hard to see; sorry, Austin was the camera man.
Well, do you give up? Some letters we had to be creative with if that helps. Otherwise the following are the answers:
A-Acorn, B-Baseball, C-Couch, D-Dogs, E-Evergreen, F-Football, G-Garage, H-High Tower, I-Ice Cooler, J-Jeep, K-the letter K in buick, L-tree Limb, M-my sad looking Japanese Maple tree, N-New siding, O-Oak tree, P-Pop can, Q-Quickly moving car, R-Red flowers, S-Smiley face pillow, T-Trailer, U-Underwear, V-Van, W-Wind chime, X-the letter X on license plate, Y-Yellow flowers, Z-Zipper. And Yes, I promise, all of these items were found outside. I know this, because I went with them on their scavenger hunt.