Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 18, 2009, was a warm, sunny day, and we took advantage of it by spending the whole day at Dexterville Park. We took the kids bikes to the park with us. We parked the truck, Casey rode CJ's bike, Austin rode his bike, and CJ & Bill walked. On our walk/ride we found a park and a beach. Here are some pictures to show how much fun we had.

Bill hung out at the end of the slide...

Austin and CJ were wearing their swim suits and t-shirts. Both boys got so hot they took off their shirts. But Austin's swim shorts were too big and kept falling down...yes it was NOT a pretty site to see. Thank Goodness we were the only ones there that day.

Casey was hanging out at the bottom of the slide and happened to look up at Bill peaking thru the grate up above...

When we got to the beach,
CJ had this great idea of
burying we did!
And then we buried Austin!

1 comment:

  1. Park day looked very fun. LOVE the burried in the sand pics! They look so small with just their heads showing!
