Austin turned 6 this year!!!
He has changed so much within this last year. He finally got completely potty trained. Woohoo! No more bed wetting! He goes to school everyday all day long. He's grown taller; he's even thinned up a bit. Most importantly, he lost two teeth and learned who the Tooth Fairy is. He really likes the Tooth Fairy!!!
Below are two pictures of him try opening up Grandma Liz's and Grandpa Steve's presents they sent in the mail on his birthday. I had to put them on here, because he refused to have scissors to open them. He kept saying, "NO! I can do it!" He was so funny to watch as he struggled so hard to get them open. But he did it! He got this special hat from school on Friday; I made him wear it. He wore it proudly.
Below are two pictures of him try opening up Grandma Liz's and Grandpa Steve's presents they sent in the mail on his birthday. I had to put them on here, because he refused to have scissors to open them. He kept saying, "NO! I can do it!" He was so funny to watch as he struggled so hard to get them open. But he did it! He got this special hat from school on Friday; I made him wear it. He wore it proudly.

Austin had a birthday party at our place on September 19th, 2009. Three of his friends from school came, Savannah, Sarah, and Sirous. Cole invited AJ, Brendon, and Martin over, too. While we were waiting for Austin's friends to come over, Cole and his friends saw that I had placed a couple of clues around. So they decided to go find all the clues before the scavenger hunt even began.
The first game we played was who can pop the most balloons without popping them with your hands or feet. The time went so fast I was only able to snap one picture. That was fun to watch. They ended up way to close to the house and hammock stand. It got a little scary.

When we finally decided to do the scavenger hunt, Cole and his friends ran to where the next clue was before the clue was done being read. So, the younger kids ran with them...this hunt was suppose to be fun and entertaining and was suppose to last about an hour. The kids didn't even want to do the tasks that they needed to do before going onto the next clue. Which made it very difficult for this game to be fun for anyone. Three of the tasks they needed to do outside were to spell the letters S I and X with their bodies, making one big letter in the grass. I tried to take pictures before they gave up to go running off to the next clue, but I wasn't very fast. So that is what you are seeing in the next few photos.

Well, whatever...I sure had fun preparing for it. After this game they played duck, duck, goose (Austin called it purple, gold, panther), while I was getting the cake and ice-cream ready. After that Austin opened up his presents. He got 5 army guys from Sarah, $5 coupons for McDonald's from Savannah, and a Nerf gun from Sirous. He loved all his presents! I took a couple of pics until my phone said it was too full of pictures...go figure.

After Austin opened up presents we played red light/ green light for some prizes. Then, the kids just ran around and played with each other. It was very fun for Austin and that is the important thing. Next year, though, I think I'll take him to the bowling alley or roller skating. Our house was such a disaster after that. I was extremely exhausted, too.
Bill got home from work around 9pm. After he got something to eat Bill, Cole, AJ, Brendon, Austin and I played Jail Break in our back yard. AJ and I were the only ones who have ever played that game before. So, we had to teach the others how to play. It was so much fun. Bill, Austin, and I were on a team; and Cole, AJ, and Brendon were on a team. Bill hid out in the open both rounds, but because it was so dark no one could see him. His head and foot was even stepped on and they didn't even notice him. I hid in the trees, and Austin was hiding close to me. The first time we hid Austin was caught first and told them where I was hiding. (brat) They gave up on Bill. The first time they hid, they were all hiding in the same area and had glow in the dark bracelets on. (dorks) So they were pretty easy to find. The second time we hid they couldn't find any of us. Brendon supposedly tripped and went inside cuz he quit. AJ went to the front yard to look up there which left Cole in the back yard by himself. He got somewhat close to me when I said "Woo Woo"! Cole looked all around quickly, looking in every direction. I giggled to myself. Then, he started walking again so I did it again. (hehehehe) He stopped and looked around again and said "What the heck? That's it I'm outta here!" And ran into the house. I couldn't control myself I was laughing so hard. Later, he said it sounded like animals from all over in the woods. Ha Ha Ha!