Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Bye-Bye Baby Teeth

Bye-Bye Baby Teeth! Austin lost his first tooth on September 03, 2009. He didn't know what the tooth fairy was so Cole told him all about it and what he has to do with the tooth. By the time bedtime came around we all had forgotten about the tooth. Bill had to work late that night, so when he got home I told him. He said the tooth was sitting on the counter. What a horrible mother I am; I forgot to remind him to put it under his pillow! Well, anyways, the next morning I had to work early, but Bill told me the tooth fairy still came and placed a dollar on the counter where the tooth was. WOW! It was pretty funny cuz when Austin woke up he went to get the tooth to show it to Bill and it was gone. He was upset cuz he couldn't find it until Cole said the tooth fairy must have taken the tooth and left you a dollar! Then he was jumping around and excited cuz he got a dollar from the tooth fairy! When I got home from work I asked him if the tooth fairy had come and he said, "yea." I said "well,...what did she give you?" He said "nothing." I said what?! He said "well, I just got a dollar." I said "WHAT?! Are You kidding? When I was little all I got was a QUARTER!" Then, he seemed pretty proud of his dollar and was bragging to me that he got a dollar.


Austin lost the tooth right next to his other one today, September 08, 2009 at school. Well, he pulled it out during nap time. He f or got it at school . He told me he can't wait to go to school tomorrow to see what the tooth fairy b rings him this time...I told him I don't think the tooth fairy visits schools but maybe. He said "Yea well I know where I left it and if it's not there I'm gonna tell M r. Sanken to give me the dollar that the tooth fairy left for me; cuz it was my tooth so it's my dollar."
Ha Ha! I can't wait to hear
how that all goes tomorrow.


  1. That is SO funny! I want to hear what happened. I can just hear him saying "It's my dollar cuz it's my tooth. You better give it to me or... or I'll tell my mom! And she'll call the cops...."
