Taylor Lynn Jensen was born on September 1, 2010 at 5:49pm. She weighed exactly 7.06 pounds and was 19" long. That was by far the most painful delivery I have ever had, but it was the shortest. I honestly, don't know if I could've handled much longer without pain medicine. I don't plan to have anymore kids, but if it should happen again, I decided I will go with the epideral shot right off the bat, so I don't have to go without pain ever again.
I'm holding Taylor for my first time, and Bill is waiting ever so patiently for his turn. I must say he was a pretty amazing partner through this. He didn't tell me "Push honey, you can do it" or "Don't give up now" in fact he didn't say much at all. He put his arm around my neck and for whatever reason it helped me push. The nurses were so wonderful! I had one specific nurse who helped me breathe correctly; she ended up being an all around wonderful nurse. And all the nurses were telling Bill to "look at this" and "look at that" and "Bill, look, you can see the head coming out!" My doctor stayed right at my crotch and didn't leave. The pain was the only thing that was horrifying. Everything else was wonderful! Looking back on it, it reminded me of a labor that took place at home. You know, with a midwife and all my lady friends around me, helping me, and calling Bill by his name, showing him all the wonderful things about the delivery that they wanted to make sure he didn't miss. It was really nice.