August 31, 2010 I had a doctor appointment at 10:30am. My doctor checked me and said I was dilated to 3cm. He decided to strip my membrane at that time. He told me I would more than likely have the baby within the next 48 hours. I left there and went to Menards to let them know I would like to take my maternity leave now and why. I went to the bathroom while I was there and noticed some blood had come out. I was very nervous about driving home, cuz I wasn't feeling that great and well, I didn't want to deliver the baby on the road by myself. But I just wanted to go home, so I did. I made it home just fine. I was having some contractions but they were light ones and only had a couple within an hour. I really wasn't feeling good though. I asked Bill to come home from work, because I was getting nervous. Bill got home around 3:30pm. He even got a flat tire on his way home, and was freaking out that I would go into labor before he got home. But I didn't. At 8:oopm I decided I would start timing my contractions, since the kids were in bed. I was having one every 10- 20 minutes, and they weren't regular. My brother and sister-in-law talked me into calling the nurse to see when I should go into ER. She said when the contractions are 5 minutes apart and are steady, or if a gush of fluid comes out or a lot of blood. I took a warm shower and went to bed. I was in bed by 10:30. I tried really hard to get some sleep, but I couldn't sleep. It was annoying me. I finally, got to sleep. I awoke around 2am, because I thought I just peed the bed. I was like "crap. I can't control my bladder, now! Great what's next!" I went to the bathroom to find clear mucusy liquid in my underwear along with some bloody discharge. I said "Bill" (no answer), I said "Honey" a little louder (still no answer), At the same time I clapped and said "Bill" (loud) "It's time". He shot out of bed and ran around the house gathering things up. I cleaned myself up and went to the door, I asked Bill what he was doing, and he said he was just getting a few things. I thought it was funny cuz my bag was packed and in the car. Whatever, he was nervous. I called the nurse and let her know I was on my way. While we were there a doctor had checked me and said I was still dilated to 3 cm, but that he didn't think my water had broken yet, cuz he could still feel a bag of water. He did a test to see if I had amniotic fluid in my vagina, and I did NOT. Well, what in the world leaked out all over my pajama pants and in my underwear? I never did get that answered. My contractions weren't getting any stronger and I wasn't progressing, so they told me to go out for breakfast and walk around the mall or Wal-Mart or something. Well, I don't know what you look like when you wake up, but I don't look pretty and neither does Bill. I had no desire to go out for breakfast or walk around a store looking the way I did. So we went home. We got home around 7:30am. Bill's mom, Cel, was at our house. Bless her heart she went over to our house to get my boys ready for their first day of school. We missed them leaving; I was pretty bummed I didn't get to see them off. I played on facebook for a while, then I walked to the post office and got my mail. Mean while Bill went back to sleep. I knew there was no point in even trying to get more sleep so I didn't even try. Around 10 I decided to go for a walk. I walked up and down almost every street in Babcock, which took me about 40 minutes. I thought for sure I would go into labor now, but no; I didn't feel any different than when I left. Bll woke up shortly after I got home and went to his parents to help work on their roof (which was right next door). I decided I would try to take a nap. I laid down for an hour, got irritated that I couldn't sleep and got up. My sister and I were texting back and forth pretty much all day. She told me to draw a bath and sit in that for a litlle while, and maybe that will help with my contractions. So I started to draw a bath. I went to the bathroom to go potty and get into the bath, but everytime I came up off the toilet seat I leaked a little pee (so I thought), so I would sit back down. I was getting very irritated with my bladder when it dawned on me that OMG! This might be my water breaking now. I texted Bill and said You need to come home now. Before I even got off the toilet he was home asking me if it was time. I called my doctor and told them what was going on and about my ER visit the night before and they told me to go into the clinic. So, fine I put a pad on and off we went. The whole way there I leaked fluid out. By the time I got there I was pretty soiled. I got into see a doctor not mine, cuz mine wasn't there, but while the nurse was checking me a big gush came out all over the table and floor. The doctor came in and said yes it looks like your water just broke however I still need to follow procedure and check you and test the fluid. He said I was dilated to 6cm! And of course the test came back as positive. But he said he could still feel a bag of fluid in there.(Geez, how many bags of water do I have in there?) I finally, got a gown and changed into it with Bill's help. My shape up shoes got ruined!!!! They were full of amniotic fluid; it was very disgusting!! Yes, Bill threw them away! Ok, so from 6:30am to 2:30pm I dilatd 3cm!! OK, they transported me to the birthing center. There, Amy, had come to see how things were, and Julie came shortly after Amy had left. The nurse gave me some pain medicine, but she didn't give me a full dose cuz she said I was little and she didn't want to overdose it. Well. it wasn't really working. My contractions were getting stronger with everyone. I asked if I could get an epideral. The doctor was busy delivering another baby so I had to wait for her to ok it. She finally got the ok and ordered it. After a short time I finally, told the nurse I feel like I have to push, now. She checked me and said I was dilated to 10 and to go ahead and push, so I did. The nurse said she could still feel a bag of water up there, but it was ok to push. She said the doctor would pop it when she came in. I pushed and pushed and pushed and cried and cried and about 15-20 minutes later(which seemed like forever to me) out came Taylor!
Taylor Lynn Jensen was born on September 1, 2010 at 5:49pm. She weighed exactly 7.06 pounds and was 19" long. That was by far the most painful delivery I have ever had, but it was the shortest. I honestly, don't know if I could've handled much longer without pain medicine. I don't plan to have anymore kids, but if it should happen again, I decided I will go with the epideral shot right off the bat, so I don't have to go without pain ever again.
I'm holding Taylor for my first time, and Bill is waiting ever so patiently for his turn. I must say he was a pretty amazing partner through this. He didn't tell me "Push honey, you can do it" or "Don't give up now" in fact he didn't say much at all. He put his arm around my neck and for whatever reason it helped me push. The nurses were so wonderful! I had one specific nurse who helped me breathe correctly; she ended up being an all around wonderful nurse. And all the nurses were telling Bill to "look at this" and "look at that" and "Bill, look, you can see the head coming out!" My doctor stayed right at my crotch and didn't leave. The pain was the only thing that was horrifying. Everything else was wonderful! Looking back on it, it reminded me of a labor that took place at home. You know, with a midwife and all my lady friends around me, helping me, and calling Bill by his name, showing him all the wonderful things about the delivery that they wanted to make sure he didn't miss. It was really nice.
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